Not Knowing

Being an Agnostic is a bad thing.

Humans don’t like uncertainty.

If you don’t know, that makes you inferior in some way doesn’t it?

You are wishy washy, you sit on the fence, you are indecisive.  Definitely not leadership material.

I decided a long time ago I was probably agnostic, I say probably because I don’t really know. I went to University and learned about Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and realised I was probably right to doubt what I knew and what I didn’t know.
I like the saying “A true scientist never says never”. Not that I profess to be a scientist. Far from it. I do however find living a life being open to possibilities is more fun than that of living with a closed mind.
I guess it all comes down to probabilities. What is most likely to be right? Once you get close enough to 100% proof, acceptance saves a bit of time.

So if I don’t “know” anything for certain, what sort of things would I like to be true.

A couple of things come to mind.

Humanity is basically “Good”

Individuals are “Good” because they have a capacity for “Love”

I will attempt to deal with “Good” and “Love” in future posts.

Of course I don’t know these to be fact but I do find them assumptions which make my life fun.

They are in fact essential assumptions in my Plan to “Save the World” and rest assured this won’t stop me from acting on my plan.

  • To justify my point that, not knowing is bad, have a look 2 minutes in to this video on what Tony Robbins has to say on “knowing”.
  • Good advice for getting ahead but in my view needs to be tempered by the fact that, the more you know the more you know you don’t know.
  • I hope this sets the stage for my future writings. Where I state things as I see it, you may well assume that I don’t really know.
  • Update:  Steve Schwartz takes this knowing and not knowing a bit further