Category Archives: Business

Practical use of the Human Spirit

Sherwin Nuland speaks of hope and the indomitable “Human Spirit”.  About half way through he makes the statement “The world will not be saved by the internet, it will be saved by the human spirit”. This is as true now as the day the first humans learned to draw, the printing press was invented, and the first telephone conversation took place.

At the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Nikita Khrushchev’s Human Spirit was what “Saved the World”. However, without the technology of Radio, the message that he was ordering the pull out of missiles from Cuba it would never have been delivered fast enough to have had any practical effect.

Without Tesla and Marconi I may not be here to write this blog. This all goes to show that we all have our part to play and communication is the key.

What motivates you?

The following is a TED talk by Dan Pink.  Sixty years ago Edward Deming understood the strange counter-intuitive results of experiment Dan explains and railed against the motivational techniques being used in business. Are we finally coming of Age?

Twelve and a half minutes minutes in he speaks of Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose.

The business tools to to help proceed down this new path are being invented now.

Kahatika is that tool.

The Festive Season

It’s an interesting time of year to observe human behaviour. All the monotheistic religions are having or recently have had a major event in their calendar. That seems to put a perceivable buzz in the air that effects us all, regardless of whether we have a faith or not. It manifests in lots of ways, not all good. Stress, violence, suicide all go up at a time when we practice rituals designed for us to engage in positive things like Love and Compassion. Both reason and faith in a benevolent higher power has us wonder at the irony of these strange statistics.
Is there only so much love in this world to go around? Do some people experience the joy of the festive season at the expense of those who experience negative feelings?
Is it something to do with the ways we are executing our rituals? Has social evolution of rituals over thousands of years improved the system?
Is this part of some Darwinian evolution model where the way we act at a given time of year, strengthens those in society where its to our species advantage for them to survive and weakens those detrimental to our species?

What is it that we do at this time of year?
A lot of time is spent in and around the act of giving. Obviously when there is a lot of giving happening there is a whole bunch of receiving also happening. The process itself generates expectation, and leads to contemplation on fairness and justice.
Does this contemplation on fairness and justice cause our stress, violence and suicide rates to go up? Is anger and despair generated as a consequence of additional time to make a comparative analysis on our lot in society? Some of us count our good fortune and it just doesn’t stack up with our expectations?

Perhaps our ritual of giving needs to be reassessed? Maybe a small tweak to the system to de-emphasize cause and effect in the giving process would be in order?

A return to anonymous giving?

Ok, I’ll bite

Thought I’d take a few minutes to answer Seth Godin’s survey to see if I could get more clarity on what I’m doing with Kahatika.

From his latest blog 8 questions and why we get

  • Who are you trying to please?
    • Myself
      Why? – Highest in the hierarchy of needs, Self-actualisation

  • What are you promising?
    • To “Save the World”
      Why? – Seemed like a fun problem to sink my teeth into. Better question; Why not?

  • How much money are you trying to make?
    • Trillions
      Why? – Because money engages peoples interest. Vast amounts of money will have them asking why?

  • How much freedom are you willing to trade for opportunity?
    • Not much now, as I get older more and more
      Why? – Life is a journey not a result and I have a plan that makes a large loss of freedom unnecessary

  • What are you trying to change?
    • Business
      Why? – Because it’s the most powerful card in the deck

  • What do you want people to say about you?
    • He gave it a go
      Why? – Hope that they may emulate

  • Which people?
    • All people
      Why? – Everyone has something to contribute

  • Do we care about you?
    • Probably not yet
      Why? – You, as of yet, don’t have an acceptable, safe way to practice compassion